
006_ 3 Recommended Selections Near Asahikawa, Hokkaido


In Hokkaido, the state of emergency due to the new coronavirus infection was lifted,The season is summer, which is perfect for driving, and the northern Hokkaido area where I live.
Even in (northern Hokkaido), we often see cars with other numbers.


This time, the suburbs of Asahikawa, where my family, who has lived in the Northern Hokkaido area for the fourth year, often goes.
I would like to introduce 3 recommended spots.

通った末にあるものとは_What is at the end of passing

An unprecedented recession due to a prolonged epidemic of new coronavirus infection
It’s a social situation that seems to be rushing, but with the author who has no appetite, “It’s delicious,
“I don’t want it to be cheap and clean,” said a family member who has a lot of orders.
The number of places I visit repeatedly has been limited …


A destination where you can take care of such selfish appetite and orders Introducing Patisserie Dandelion, a pastry shop, as the first
I will do it.


The store, which manufactures and sells authentic Western confectionery, is located in a quiet residential area.
It has a stylish appearance that stands out, and one step inside the store When you put it in, sweets like a jewel box will be sloppy when you put it in.
It never allows me to dive into the fat writer’s eyes and lose weight.


Hands are disinfected at the entrance, and a carbon dioxide measurement monitor is installed inside the store to prevent it from becoming dense.
The route is set so that cross-contamination by visitors does not occur.


Due to the recent epidemic of infectious diseases, safe hygiene measures that allow you to slowly check and order sweets
It is also a very good impression that it is made.


Also, at the same store, for every 1,000 yen purchased, one stamp was stamped and 20 were accumulated.
At that time, there is a service that can be exchanged for the store’s original products.


Also, at the same store, for every 1,000 yen purchased, one stamp was stamped and 20 were accumulated.
At that time, there is a service that can be exchanged for the store’s original products.


Reservations must be made at least 3 days in advance as preparation is required to manufacture the original product.
It is necessary, but if you tell that it is a private celebration, a name made of chocolate
The plate was also kindly prepared this time.


Authentic Western confectionery can be eaten, and the accumulated points are for anniversaries. The store that can be used is an indispensable part of my home.

・パティスリーダンデリオン_Patisserie Dandelion
住  所:〒078-8234 北海道旭川市豊岡4条11丁目1−7
電  話:0166-36-7557


安心して食事したい_I want to eat with confidence

The next place I would like to introduce is the place where you want to eat out at noon on weekdays. Avoid eating in a place where infectious diseases are well protected
I want to.

Rokkatei Asahikawa Toyooka store that meets all of these conditions
I would like to introduce.

The store is a candy store with a long history in Hokkaido,
Perhaps because it has a strong image as a candy store, it is relatively lunchtime.
It’s a little-known place that is often squeezed.

At the store, hands are disinfected at the entrance, and the spacious Asahikawa furniture. A full-fledged stew (stew) at the coffee shop where you can enjoy Rather, the store comes with stew) and healthy Ichiju issai You can have a strong meal (reading: Okowa) set meal.

As soon as you come to the store and take a seat, the person in charge will come to measure your body temperature.
It is a system to select a meal menu at the seat.

Unlike other candy stores, the store is lined up in showcases
If you request a product such as a cake, you can eat it at your seat.
Coffee is also provided free of charge (free replacement).

One meal menu such as stew is less than 1,000 yen, and it is a dessert If you ask for a showcase cake of 250 yen, meals, desserts, etc.
Eating coffee at a very good cost for a thousand and several hundred yen I can.



「智宏風ハヤシライス」_Tomohiro style hayashi rice

「抹茶のモンブラン」_Matcha Mont Blanc


To prevent infectious diseases, the seats are properly separated from the front seats by an acrylic plate.
The space between each table seat is also wide, and in the midst of an infectious disease epidemic.
There is a great sense of security.

When I visited at noon, there were several groups of customers, but only with tea I had the impression that the turnover rate was high because I would be back soon.

A family member who has many orders, saying, “I don’t want it to be delicious, cheap, and clean.”
It’s a very satisfying place, and I’m always indebted to you.

・六花亭 旭川豊岡店_Rokkatei Asahikawa Toyooka store
住所:〒078-8242 北海道旭川市豊岡12条6丁目62
備考:◎おむつ替えベッド、多目的トイレ有り_There is a diaper changing bed and a multipurpose toilet


あれもこれも値上がりする中、お安く野菜を買いたい_I want to buy vegetables cheaply while the prices are rising

Recently, the price of vegetables has risen significantly even in supermarkets,
In search of healthy vegetables that are as cheap as possible at home
I was wandering around.

Fresh vegetables made by the producer with all their soul are at a reasonable price So, should it be for my home, which I often eat?
We would like to introduce “Touma no Agricultural Products” as a place to visit.

The location is adjacent to Toma Town Road Station next to Asahikawa City, so you can relax.
Easy access when driving The store is in place.

As a direct sales office of JA Toma, many stores such as cucumbers and tomatoes A shopping basket that is arranged and has a tight purse string I will buy the products in a squeeze.

・とうまの農作物(JA当麻直営農産物直売所)_Crops of Toma


What do you think. This time, we will recommend 3 recommended places in the suburbs of Asahikawa.
I introduced you. Stand up when you come to the Northern Hokkaido area Why don’t you consider getting more?
